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"Britican" - Britishisms, Translated into American, by Toria Burrell

A British to American-English Dictionary Copyright (c) 1997-2023 Victoria Burrell-Hrencecin. I started writing this dictionary of B...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Living in America - 15 years on, celebrating my third "4th July" as a US Citizen!

When I first moved over here, to the U.S., I wrote about my experiences leaving my home country, and adjusting to the differences in culture, language and life-style here. Now, fifteen years on, it feels more like "home" here than any other place I've ever lived.
Also, having traveled back and forth to England so frequently over the years, I focus more on the similarities between the two countries than I do the differences.

Last night's "Picnic in the Park" and today's 4th July parade, for example, made me think very vividly of the Carnivals I used to go to, as a child, in my home town of Crawley. The marching bands, the old cars, the floats, the festive atmosphere - the location and the date and the historical significance may be different, but the experience of camaraderie with the crowds of people on the streets is very similar.

More thoughts on the "ex-pat" experience will be posted soon.

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