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"Britican" - Britishisms, Translated into American, by Toria Burrell

A British to American-English Dictionary Copyright (c) 1997-2023 Victoria Burrell-Hrencecin. I started writing this dictionary of B...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

My interview with Sophie, age 5, March 27, 2009

1. What is something mummy always says to you?
Sophie: "I love you."

2. What makes mummy happy?
Sophie: "When I hug her and kiss her so much!"

3. What makes mummy sad?
Sophie: "When I cry."

4. How does your mummy make you laugh?
Sophie: "When she laughs."

5. What was your mummy like as a child?
Sophie: (After a very long pause and lots of "ums"...) "Fun."

6. How old is your mummy?
Sophie: "13"

7. How tall is your mummy?
Sophie: "11 feet"

8. What is Mummy's favorite thing to do?
Sophie: "Play with me."

9. What does your mummy do when you’re not around?
Sophie: "Does her chores when I'm at school."

10. If your mummy became famous, what would it be for?
Sophie: "For being in a rock band!"

11. What is your mummy really good at?
Sophie: "Doing Feeding Frenzy." (A computer game where you have to eat lots of fish!)

12. What is your mummy not very good at?
Sophie: "Singing very high pitches! When she sings very high her throat kind of shakes a little bit!"

13. What does your mummy do for a job?
Sophie: "Play the piano."

14. What is your mummy's favorite food?
Sophie: "Spicy foods at Indian restaurants"

15. What makes you proud of your mummy?
Sophie: "When she does something new."

16. If your mummy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Sophie: "Er, I think Dora."

17. What do you and your mummy do together?
Sophie: "Go out and go somewhere like the Mall or the Children's Museum."

18. How are you and your mummy the same?
Sophie: "We both have pink glasses."

19. How are you and your mummy different?
Sophie: "My hair is swishy and mummy's hair is curly."

20. How do you know your mummy loves you?
Sophie: "Because I love her so much."

Well, she may not know how old I am, but it's surprising how well she does know me! :-)

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