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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Book Review: - A Spot of Bother, by Mark Haddon

A Spot of Bother - Another fabulous book by the author of "The Curious Incident of the Dog"

By Toria Burrell, 11/09/10

By turns, hilarious and stomach-churning, laugh-out-loud funny, and wincingly disturbing at times. I love Haddon's dry, ascerbic wit. What I most appreciate is Haddon's ability to capture moments of very real life, and shine a light on them: - the sort of moments most of us choose to forget (such as vomiting, panic attacks, embarrassing, scary skin rashes, etc).

But through all the disturbing stuff, what I love is the humanity of the characters, their vulnerability, their hopes, their courage, their efforts in the face of despair, and, despite their many flaws, each character is redeemable, even lovable. This story will stay with me for a long time.

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