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Monday, August 8, 2011

It's official! I'm in!

The Chicago Chamber Choir

Just got the call from Timm Adams this evening, inviting me to sing with the Chicago Chamber Choir! Got through the auditions, despite the "stiff competition"!

He said it was a unanimous decision by the panel (made up of each section leader and himself).

Sadly, I will miss the official choir photograph, since it will be next week, while I'm in Florida. :( And sadly I will miss the Christmas concert, since I will be in England. A real shame, but I will do better at planning vacations next year, once I know the choir's schedule.

Here's the video of my first audition, singing my solo: The alto Aria, "Es ist voll bracht" from the St. John Passion by J.S. Bach.


And here's a link to the Chicago Chamber Choir singing "Somewhere over the Rainbow" live at their spring concert this year:


And here's the link to their website:

The Chicago Chamber Choir

* * * * * * * * * * * *

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