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"Britican" - Britishisms, Translated into American, by Toria Burrell

A British to American-English Dictionary Copyright (c) 1997-2023 Victoria Burrell-Hrencecin. I started writing this dictionary of B...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sophie's Home-made Freshly Squeezed Lemonade & Limeade

This was all Sophie's own enterprise, from conception to execution! (She employed us as her helpers!) And we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day...

She started by making the sign...

She had some help squeezing the lemons and limes, but did all the measuring herself.

Green cups for limeade, yellow cups for lemonade... Both turned out really well - very tart!
A delicious, fresh-squeezed taste!

Our first customer was our new neighbor from across the road. (Most of them left "tips" of 50 cents!)

Tristan suddenly caught the wave of enthusiasm, and took over the second shift of selling! He did a good job (even if we did have to remind him not to scoop the ice into the cups with his hands!)

I put on some "summer party" music to enhance the atmosphere... E.g. The Beach Boys, "Kokomo"...

We sold out of all our home made lemonade and limeade in 3 hours!

A very fun time was had by all!

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