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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Book Review: - Who Cooked the Last Supper?: The Women's History of the World, by Rosalind Miles

Who Cooked the Last Supper?

The Women's History of the World, by Rosalind Miles

By Toria Burrell, 11/6/10

This spoke to me more than I expected it would. It revealed a lot of fascinating history that I knew very little about. It also profoundly influenced and solidified my views of religion. It's the sort of thought provoking book that I wish everyone would read, especially intelligent women.

Surprisingly, it does not contradict the philosophy of Ayn Rand (whose writing I discovered at the same time as reading this book). In fact it compliments it. Rosalind Miles is a "feminist" but so was Ayn Rand (in a different way). Rosalind Miles is an atheist (and so was Ayn Rand). I read "Atlas Shrugged" immediately after this book, and was fascinated by the similarities in philosophy.

This book is very well written, witty, funny, enjoyable to read, as well as very well researched

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